Thursday, January 27, 2011


Rian and I are having a GIRL!

We absolutely could not be more excited!  Her name is Hailey.  Middle name is still in negotiation... but we are getting close!

Here is how it went down!  My appointment was at 1:00, and at 1:30 they finally called us back to the ultrasound room.  The ultrasound tech, let's call her Joan, asked us right away if we wanted to find out the sex.  We said YES!  And she explained that she typically saves that part for last, of course!  So Joan starts checking all the tiny parts..... 2 arms... 2 legs... abdomen...stomach... kidneys.... head... brain... neck... spine....4 tiny chambers of the heart.... umbilical cord... level of amniotic fluid... everything!  She also checked for a cleft palette and physical symptoms of downs syndrome, both of which were negative - thank goodness!  It was amazing.  Admittedly half the time I didn't know what the heck she was looking at, but we'd just wait for her to say "... that looks good!"  Apparently throughout the whole thing she was looking at the 'goods' from a couple different angles to see if it was boy or girl, but we couldn't tell!  She did say that the baby was basically sitting on my bladder which is the most difficult angle to dicipher the sex.  But I said I would jump up and down if necessary to move it into the right position :)  Finally she had me roll to one side (towards the ultrasound screen) and she finally got the baby in the right position to confirm the sex.  She wrote 'THINK PINK' across the ultrasound screen so when we saw that, we knew!  And she said she is 100% sure, so hopefully there won't be any blue suprises in the delivery room!

I was 20 weeks and 3 days along at the ultrasound on Tuesday, and the baby measured 20 weeks exactly, so according to my doctor, 3 days isn't enough of a difference to change my due date.  Baby weighed 12 ounces, which is in the 32nd percentile for her gestational age.  We got a picture of her tiny face.... very skinny at this point but she will surely put on some weight in the weeks to come! :

I don't want to embarass Hailey by posting the pictures of her lady parts, but I can assure you she is a girl :)

After the appointment, Rian and I visited each of our moms at work to surprise them with the news.  We stopped at Carter's first to make our first pink purchases!!  It was really hard for me NOT to buy everything in the store.  We got one outfit for each grandma and a little something for ourselves :)  Both Marge & Peg were incredibly happy for us.  Then I texted my whole phonebook and put the news on FB! 

Rian and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate, then we told the good news to our first born Bucky Blue!  He was really happy for us :)

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